Star: Sparkle and Shine


Namaste fellow friends and yogis
Whether you are a yoga newbie or a cosmic adventurer, the Star pose is here to release your inner glow and sparkle. This pose is all about embracing your inner celestial being and basking in its radiant energy. Imagine standing tall and proud, like a shining star in the night sky, with your feet hip-width apart and your arm extended wide.

First and foremost, this pose is like hitting the refresh button for your entire body. The benefits span throughout your entire body. It engages your core muscles, strengthens your legs, and improves your overall balance and stability.  The Star pose improves posture, by aligning your spine and creating a sense of elegance and grace. It's a pose that not only enhances your physical presence but also boosts your confidence. It's like stepping into a cosmic embrace where you are the star of your own show.

This stellar pose also opens up your heart and chest, inviting a sense of expansiveness into your being. It's like giving your heart permission to shine its brightest allowing love and compassion to flow freely within. You can even add a touch of imagination by twinkling your fingers like the stars themselves. Embrace the whimsy my friend and let your inner child shine.

Remember twinkling star, this pose is not just about physical movement-it's a journey of self-expression, self-love, and self-discovery. So, let the star pose guide you toward a deeper connection with your body, mind, and soul. 

We, at Edge Yoga School would love to walk side by side with you in your journey into yoga. Let's talk and learn all about your aspirations and dreams. Namaste my radiant friend, and may you always sparkle like the stars in the night sky!


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